Sunday, December 22, 2013

Treatment Plan for “Aeromonas Hydrophila”

Treatment Plan for “Aeromonas hydrophila” .........Part One

For some of us warmer weather (So Cal) is not to far off as we have a short winter like temperatures here. No matter what area or zone your in one should have a game plan if you should have a break out. This is Part One of a series on this subject of Koi Health and how to properly deal with it and most of all "How to take steps to reduce or prevent it a out break"

I will be going through a step by step description as to what we have done to treat ulcers from these bacteria strains from field experience and working with our local veterinarian. 

First we will need a few things and will make a check list as we go here. I also will be talking about some Do’s and Don’ts.

First let’s talk about one of the Don’ts:

I have seen and responded to many ponds that are having entire pond stock with ulcers. The one reason for this is that when it first breaks out most folks will go to local pet store and ask for help. I find most of the time the staff have never seen this or even know the proper way to treat. So what happens is that store staff start reading the OTC (Over the counter) pill boxes and end up selling you whole lot of antibiotic in a capsule for your pond Ampaicillan / Penicillin or MelaFix.  So you head home and add 5,10 boxes of capsules to pond, well that does one thing only simply kill off your biological bio-film or bio-filter. Now you have created a whole new problem ammonia / nitrite levels rise thus creating more stress on fish. Or if your in a Koi club you may get 2-3 idea’s and treatments they used that worked for them,but may not for you! So why might they not be right for your problem? Well there are many strains of this bacteria and sometimes more than one type together. So I can not emphasize this point enough DON'T start to add all kinds of stuff to your pond you may be doing more harm than good!

The Do's:

So this is what I recommend before you do anything contact your local Vet or a Pond specialist to have what is called a C/S or culture and sensitive test. 

With this test you now will know what it is your dealing with (Bacteria) and what drugs (Injectables) will work some strains have mutated out and what once worked may not any more! Reason for this is like anything else folks try what others have done and thus allowing some strains to build resistance. This is common with most Enrofloxacin type drugs.  

Once again I can't emphasize enough to find out WHAT IT IS you going to treat and WHAT IT IS you need to treat with!

Another Do:

I would recommend that you contact Pond specialist he/she will check water quality/stocking levels/filtration/do a scraping of Koi and then look for parasites. Parasites (Flukes) can spread bacteria like Aeromonas hydrophila from one Koi to next. You then can treat for the parasite(s) and then you will have better odds of controlling the out break in the pond. Some of the most common reason for break outs is water quality,stocking levels, under filtration or poor pond design. These are things that need to be addressed or this might become an on going issue in your pond.

If your in or know of a local Koi Club, then ask as to whom the club recommends for Pond specialist. Give them a call and don't be afraid to ask questions!
  • Do you make house calls?
  • Can you provide a C/S service?
  • Do you work with any local vets?
  • What do you recommend for the first step in treatment?
  • Do you scope/check Koi for parasites?

Another Don't:

If the Pond specialist say you don't need all that. We know what it is Ulcer Disease,Hole in the side. We will do this treatment or that we recommend this product without even looking at your Koi or verifying what it is there dealing with. Then "Say I will get back to you" walk or run away and look for someone else.

So we have gotten results back and know from the C/S that you have "Aeromonas hydrophila"
and we also know that it sensitive to Baytril (Or other antibiotic) and will work in killing bacteria. Most dosing amounts will be done by the vet, so you just have to follow there directions. Most cases it will be 3 injections in a row and 3 EOD ( every other day). Now to help heal the ulcer this we have found to work best in all cases. You will need the following item's: 
  •  Rubber gloves (Throw away)
  • Cotton balls/ Q-tips
  • Povidone Iodine 10%
  • Panalog medicated ointment (Vet)
  • DeBride medicated ointment
  • Tricide-Neo
  • Wound bandage product (Denture Powder we find works great)
You may want to also look at the below "Check List" to add to your arsenal for spring.

Koi Health Care Items Check List
Basic Items     
Potassium Permanganate   
Hydrogen Peroxide    
Debride Medicated Ointment   
Tricide-Neo Dip    
Clove Oil or MS-222   
Sodium Thiosulfate   
Bio-Bandage Gel/Powder   
Povidone Iodine 10%   
Baytril (Prescribed by Vet) Long shelf life 
Microscope (Slips/Glass Slides)   
A Gram Scale    
Syringes ( 5/8" 25 gauge / Diabetic)  
Latex gloves    
Protective Eyewear   
Measuring Cup    
Koi Tub     
Test KitpH/Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate/kH/gH/O2 
Salinity Meter    
Digital Thermometer/Floating Type  
ORP Meter    
Quarantine Tank
A Q-tank (Aeration/Heater/Filter)  
Net to cover Q-Tank   
Net & Tub for Q-Tank Only   
Canary Koi    
Reference Materials
Dr. Eric Johnson Koi Health & Disease  
AKCA Guide to Koi Health

We will go into proper follow up wound treatment while your doing your injections in "Part Two" of :
Treatment Plan for “Aeromonas hydrophila” 

Until then "Happy Ponding"  from "Koiman"